Friday, 13 November 2015

Black Friday Paris Attack the failure of the OSCE. By Tim Tufuga

Black Friday Paris Attack questions the functionality of Joint Security Coordination Critical Risk Assessment Systemic Failures: OSCE. By Tim Tufuga
AP Photo Michael Euler

The Black Friday coordinated violent attacks in Paris, France, is not an isolated terrorism incident. Terrorism attacks in Paris whilst not considered to be commonplace, it has been, an expected reality for European nations in this day and age. Global terrorism is considered an ever present danger for not just Europeans, or for Allied nations engaged in Middle Eastern conflicts, like NATO member nations, or Coalition of the Willing member nations, like France, Britain, and Germany, but, for almost any nation that is considered a likely soft target for asymmetrical military engagement by global terrorist organisations, whether homegrown or introduced activated sleeper cells.

What sets the Paris Black Friday attack is the scale and scope of the coordinated attack, which has brought an interesting perspective to the strategic and tactical sophistication of the Terrorists in executing the most brazen attack in the heart and soul of a very powerful military nation like France.

With such a sophistication of the urban operational (UO) strategy and tactical expertise by the Terrorists armed with miltary grade weapons and ordinances clearly reveals to the world the audacity and brazen lengths the terrorists were willing to go in ramming their purported Jihadist message home. What clearly seems to have been revealed is the Trojan Horse operation has excited many Jihadists copycats globally which has revealed the ultimate psychological failure by the security coordination networks within Europe and afar in preventing this brazen attack in the heart of Europe.

Accountability must surely be leveled at the domestic and regional security coordination network agencies taken to task to prevent such minor terrorist attacks and certainly the Black Friday Paris attacks has succeeded in humiliating the early warning and preventative measures with the critical risk assessment systems from both the French domestic intelligence gathering agencies, their human intelligence (Humint) capabilities, and their cyber security early warning systems, in preventing the brazen attacks.

Like many cases such as a brazen terrorist attack such as the Black Friday Paris attacks the accountability and answerability for the critical risk assessment failure must be leveled at the heads of the respective security the CNCIS: National Commission for the Control of Security Interceptions agencies; The DGSE: General Directorate for External Security; and, in particular; the ANSSI: French Network and Information Security Agency, must immediately, be held to account for this critical risk assessment failure. Moreover, due to the scope, scale, and the military sophistication, of the Black Friday operation, a regional-wide accountability level must squarely point the finger of systemic blame upon the Organisation for the Security and Cooperation in Europe, the OSCE, and therefore, vicariously speaking, the head, Mr Lamerto Zannier, must be held to account for the regional-wide critical risk assessment failure of the OSCE in preventing such a large scale Black Friday Paris attack.

The Jihadist narrative, maybe whimsically dismissed by most qualified counter terrorism objectives and the current war in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East maybe qualifiable justifications for the Black Friday attack, however, what has been clearly been demonstrated is two salient achievements for the world to understand:

1. The Security measures to date has not increased security throughout the world, it has simply, increased the benchmark for likely terrorists in endeavouring to circumvent these security measures to achieve their violent ends;

2. The humiliation of the domestic and regional preventative security measures, which has only succeeded in increasing the gdp expenditures on national security for domestic and regional governments; and,

3. The war on terror has resulted in a mission creep outcome which seems to be a permanent reality rather than a temporary measure.

Tim Tufuga


1. Zannier, Lambert, Organisation for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE),

2. List of French intelligence agenices, '',
